* 祝賀你們的訂婚,願幸福永遠與你們同在。Congratulations on your engagement, may happiness forever accompany you.* 祝賀你們即將踏入婚姻殿堂,願未來的日子充滿愛與歡笑。Congratulations on your engagement, may the days ahead hold love and laughter.* 祝福你們訂婚快樂,永遠相愛相守,攜手共度未來。Wishing you happiness on your engagement, forever loving, cherishing each other and sailing through the future together.* 願你們的訂婚開啟幸福的人生,未來充滿歡樂和愛。May your engagement open the door to a happy life, filled with joy and love in the future.* 恭喜你們訂婚,祝你們永遠幸福快樂。Congratulations on your engagement, may you always be happy and joyful.