* Best wishes and warm regards during this joyful occasion.(在這個喜慶的時刻,祝願您萬事如意,溫馨相伴。)
* Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through the holiday season.(願您節日期間享有平靜,歡樂和幸福。)
* May the joy and warmth of the season bring you happiness.(願這個季節的歡樂和溫暖帶給您幸福。)
* Season's greetings and best wishes for the coming year.(祝您新年快樂,並致以來年的美好祝福。)
* A prosperous business, abundant success, and joyful holidays.(生意興隆,成功豐碩,節日快樂。)
* May all your business endeavors be fulfilled with success.(願您所有的商業努力都取得成功。)
* Success and prosperity in your business endeavors for the coming year.(祝您明年生意興隆,財源滾滾。)