1. 祝你在新的一年裡虎虎生威,萬事如意!
2. 願你的生活如虎添翼,步步高升!
3. 新的一年,願你的虎年充滿活力和好運!
4. 祝你虎年大吉,心想事成!
5. 願你的虎年像虎一樣勇猛,像虎一樣成功!
6. 祝你新的一年裡如虎添翼,步步高升!
7. 願你在新的一年裡如虎添翼,萬事如意!
1. Wishing you a year full of strength and success in the New Year!
2. May your life be as strong and prosperous as a tiger!
3. In the New Year, may your year be filled with vigor and good luck!
4. A Happy New Year to you, may all your wishes come true!
5. May your year be as courageous and successful as a tiger!
6. May you be filled with strength and success in the New Year!
7. May all your wishes come true in the New Year!