


* 恭喜你成功走完大學這段路,祝福你未來的日子一切都如你所願。Congratulations on completing your journey at university. Wishing you all the best in the future and everything you wish for.*

* 願你在人生的新階段發現自我、塑造自我、實現自我。May you discover yourself, shape yourself, and achieve yourself in this new stage of life.*

* 你的大學畢業是一個重要的里程碑,希望你在接下來的日子裡繼續追求你的夢想,勇往直前。Your graduation from university is an important milestone, and I hope you continue to pursue your dreams and move forward in the coming days.*

* 恭喜你大學畢業,這是一個新的開始,願你在未來的人生道路上一切順利。Congratulations on graduating from university, this is a new beginning, and I wish you all the best in your future journey.*
