


1. 恭喜您光榮退休,願您未來更加精彩!

Congratulations on your honorable retirement, wishing you a more exciting future!

2. 願您的退休生活充滿陽光和快樂,身體健康,笑口常開!

May your retirement life be filled with sunshine and happiness, good health, and a smile on your face!

3. 祝您在新的角色中取得更大的成功,願您享受美好的退休生活!

Wishing you greater success in your new role, and may you enjoy a wonderful retirement!

4. 願您在退休後享受悠閒,享受生活,享受人生!

May you enjoy leisure, life, and experiences after retirement!

5. 祝您在退休後的日子裡,心情愉快,身體健康!

Wishing you a happy and healthy life in the days ahead of retirement!

6. 恭喜您開啟人生的新篇章,願您未來一切順利!

Congratulations on embarking on a new chapter in your life, wishing you all the best in the future!