- 恭喜發財,萬事如意。May you prosper in the coming year and everything go your way.
- 恭賀新禧,萬事勝意。I offer you heartfelt congratulations on your good fortune and wish all the best for you in the coming year.
- 財源廣進,萬事如意。May all your wishes come true and prosperous business bring you much success.
- 福祿雙全,吉祥如意。May you have good luck, happiness and joy all year round.
- 恭賀新春,福滿人間。I offer my sincere congratulations on the beginning of a new year, filled with happiness and joy for all mankind.
- 步步高升,新年快樂。May you achieve success in all your endeavors and have a happy new year.
- 年年有餘,歲歲平安。May there be ample abundance every year and peace and safety every passing year.