


  1. "開學日到,願你學業有成,前程似錦!" "On the day of school opening, may your academic achievements be fruitful and your future prosperous!"

  2. "新學期,新氣象,祝你學業進步,步步高升!" "New semester, new atmosphere, I wish you academic progress and continuous elevation!"

  3. "開學了,願你開啟新的人生篇章,展現最好的自己!" "On the day of school opening, may you open a new chapter in your life and showcase your best self!"

  4. "祝你在新的學期里取得新的成就,創造更多的輝煌!" "Wish you to make new achievements in the new semester and create more brilliance!"

  5. "開學日,祝你學業進步,快樂成長!" "On the day of school opening, may you make progress in your studies and grow happy!"
