- "證據在此,有何辯駁?" "Evidence is presented, any objections?"
- "法網恢恢,疏而不漏。" "The law is relentless."
- "原告被告,各執一詞。" "The plaintiff and defendant each have their own version of the story."
- "法律不外乎人情,但人情不能凌駕於法律之上。" "Law is about humanity, but humanity cannot override the law."
- "定罪量刑,依法辦理。" "Judgement and sentencing shall be handled according to the law."
- "一切行動以法庭為準。" "All actions shall be taken under the court's jurisdiction."
- "法律無情,法官有情。" "The law is impersonal, but the judge has feelings."
- "本案終結,抗訴期限3日。" "The case is closed, with a 3-day deadline for appeal."