


1. May all the星光奔向你,願你平安幸福,願你能如此勇敢,像少年一樣無畏,前程似錦。

2. May the joy of a new year be with you and your family.

3. Wishing you and yours a happy new year filled with joy and love.

4. 新的一年,萬事順遂,一切安好。

5. Wishing you peace, joy and happiness through this holiday season.

6. 願你目之所及,都是我的世界;心之所向,都是我的歡喜。

7. Let everything that has a spirit be yours. May nothing fail you.

8. 新年新氣象,新歲送吉祥。

9. Wishing you a happy new year filled with joy, love and good fortune.