


1. 新年快樂!萬事如意!

2. 恭喜發財,萬事勝意!

3. 身體健康,萬事順心!

4. 笑口常開,好運連連!

5. 恭喜發財,步步高升!

6. 新的一年,新的開始!

7. 願你事事如意,步步高升!

8. 家庭和睦,事業有成!

9. 新的一年,新的氣象!

10. 新的一年,願你幸福快樂!


1. Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true!

2. Wishing you all the blessings of a beautiful new year!

3. Good health and happiness throughout the New Year!

4. May joy and happiness be with you every day of the New Year!

5. Wishing you prosperity in all you do in the coming year!

6. A new year, a new beginning! May all your dreams come true!

7. May everything go well with you in the coming New Year!

8. Harmony in the family, success in career!

9. A fresh start to a new year! May all your wishes come true!

10. A happy and fulfilling New Year filled with joy and happiness!