bb 祝福語中英對照
1. 生日快樂(生日快樂):Happy Birthday (Happy Birthday)
2. 生日快樂,願你永遠快樂:Happy Birthday to you, and may you always be happy.
3. 祝福你健康快樂:Wishing you health and happiness.
4. 願你今天比昨天更快樂:May today be happier than yesterday.
5. 祝福你的每一天都充滿陽光和笑聲:Wishing you a day filled with sunshine and laughter.
6. 生日快樂,願你的未來充滿美好:Happy Birthday, and may your future be filled with beauty.
7. 祝你今天快樂無比:Happy Birthday and have a wonderful day!
8. 願你的生日充滿愛和歡樂:May your birthday be filled with love and joy.
9. 願你的每一天都充滿陽光和幸福:May every day of your life be filled with sunshine and happiness.