


1. 祝賀您光榮退休,願您未來更加美好!

Congratulations on your honorable retirement, wish you a bright future!

2. 願您退休後的生活充滿陽光和歡笑!

Wishing you a life full of sunshine and laughter after retirement!

3. 祝您在新的角色中取得更大的成功!

Wishing you greater success in your new role!

4. 願您在退休後的日子裡,享受生活的美好!

Wishing you to enjoy the beauty of life in the days to come!

5. 祝賀您在新的旅程中開啟新的篇章!

Congratulations on starting a new chapter in your new journey!

6. 願您退休後的每一天都充滿幸福和滿足!

Wishing you happiness and fulfillment every day after retirement!

7. 祝您在退休後的歲月里,繼續展現您的智慧和才能!

Wishing you the years after retirement continue to showcase your wisdom and talents!