
生孩子祝福語 英文


* 願新生兒的到來帶給你無窮的快樂,吉祥與健康。

May the birth of your child bring you endless joy, good luck, and health.

* 祝福你的新生兒,願你從此有了繼承血脈的傳人,生命得以延續。

Bless your newborn child. May you now have a successor to carry on your bloodline and continue your life.

* 祝福新生兒,願他健康快樂,聰明伶俐,茁壯成長。

Bless your newborn child, may he be healthy, happy, smart and thrive.

* 祝福你新生的寶貝,願他像花一樣成長,你愛護他如同愛護自己。

Bless your newborn baby, may he grow up like a flower under your care.


* 祝福你,母子(女)平安健康!願新生命為你的家庭帶來更多的歡笑和愛!

Wishing you and your new family safe and healthy travels! May this new life bring more laughter and love into your home!

* 祝賀你成為母親!願這個新生命為你帶來無盡的愛與歡樂,與你一同成長。

Congratulations on becoming a mother! May this new life bring you endless love and joy as you grow together.
