
祝福 金句 聖經英文


1. "願平安、喜樂、恩惠、憐憫充滿你的心,如同豐富、深廣、高闊的天。你的國度充滿平安,你的和平常存。"

May peace, joy, grace, and mercy fill your heart, like the richness, depth, and width of heaven. Your kingdom is filled with peace, and your peace shall always be. (Isaiah 26:12)

2. "願神賜福給你,使你凡事興盛,生活在愛中,並像春天的陽光一樣把愛播撒到四周。"

May God bless you with everything that flourishes, living in love and spreading that love like spring sunshine everywhere you go. (Romans 15:13)

3. "願你無論在何處,都有主的同在,讓你能得著力量,不怕困苦,不懼敵人,直到你進入永生。"

May you always have the Lord's presence with you wherever you are, so that you may be empowered to face difficulties without fear, to resist enemies without trembling, and to enter into eternal life." (John 16:33)

4. "願你的生活充滿神的恩典和力量,無論遇到什麼困難,都能靠著神的能力度過。"

May your life be filled with the grace and strength of God, and no matter what difficulties you may encounter, you will be able to overcome them with the power of God." (Ephesians 3:20)

5. "願神賜福給你,使你的人生充滿喜樂,愛心和公義。"

May God bless you with joy unspeakable and full of love and righteousness in your life." (Zephaniah 3:17)
