


1. "祝福你們新婚愉快,百年好合!" Happy to see you start your marriage with good wishes for a lifetime of happiness!

2. "願你們的愛情如同美酒,越陳越香,願你們的生活甜蜜美滿!" May your love be like fine wine, getting better with age, and your life together be filled with joy and happiness!

3. "祝你們新婚甜蜜,攜手共度未來!" Wishing you a sweet new marriage and a lifetime of hand in hand together!

4. "祝福你們新婚之夜,幸福美滿,白頭偕老!" Wishing you a happy and fulfilling wedding night, and a lifetime of togetherness until the end of your days!

5. "願你們的婚姻如同彩虹般美麗,風雨無阻,相伴到老!" May your marriage be as beautiful as a rainbow, no matter what the storms may bring, and stay together forever!

6. "祝你們新婚快樂,幸福美滿,一生相伴!" Congratulations on your wedding, may you have happiness and fulfillment in your marriage, and stay together for a lifetime!
