
結婚賀詞格式 英文


1. 稱呼:一般是在信頭的地方,寫對收信人的稱呼,例如 "Dear Mr. Smith"。

2. 主旨:在信紙的頂部中間或偏左的位置寫上 "Wishing you a happy wedding" 這樣的賀詞。

3. 正文:在下一行開始,你可以開始寫你的賀詞,描述婚禮的詳細情況,表達你對新婚夫婦的祝福,並提及他們的愛情故事或其他特別的地方。

4. 結尾:在正文下面,可以加上一些祝福的話語,例如 "Best wishes," "Wishing you all the happiness in the world," 等等。

5. 簽名:在信紙的最下面,寫上你的名字和日期。


"Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith,

I am delighted to learn that you are getting married. I hope your wedding is a wonderful celebration of your love for each other. May your marriage be filled with happiness and joy.

Your story of love is truly inspiring, and I wish you both all the best as you embark on this new journey together.

Wishing you all the happiness in the world,

[Your name]
