- 祝你們愛情永恆,新婚快樂。May your love forever be as strong as the rocks and as last forever as the trees. 願你們的愛情像湖水一樣清澈,希望你們的婚姻生活甜蜜幸福。May your marriage be as clear as the water and filled with happiness. 願你們一起經歷人生的風風雨雨,共度幸福時光。May you experience happy moments and face the storms of life together. * 祝福你們永遠相愛相守,幸福美滿。Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness.
- 願你們共享人生的甜蜜,共度未來的日子。May you share the sweetness of life and journey through the years together. * 祝你們新婚愉快,百年好合。Congratulations on your new marriage, may you both live a hundred years and never part.