


1. 親愛的老師,您的教誨如春風,如細雨,滋潤我們的心靈。感謝您為我們付出的一切。

Dear Teacher, your teachings are like spring breeze and rain, moistening our hearts. Thank you for everything you have done for us.

2. 敬愛的老師,您的關懷如和煦的陽光,我們感到無比溫暖。祝您教師節快樂,一切安好!

Dear Teacher, your care is like a gentle sunshine, making us feel so warm. Wishing you a happy Teachers' Day and all the best!

3. 親愛的老師,您像園丁一樣辛勤耕耘,用知識的甘霖滋養我們的心田。感謝您的無私奉獻,祝您永遠健康快樂。

Dear Teacher, you work hard like a gardener, nurturing our hearts with the sweet rain of knowledge. Thank you for your selfless dedication, and may you remain healthy and happy forever.

4. 敬愛的老師,您的教誨讓我們受益終生。在這個特別的日子裡,祝您教師節快樂,願您身體健康,萬事如意。

Dear Teacher, your teachings have blessed us for a lifetime. On this special day, wishing you a happy Teachers' Day, good health and all your wishes come true.
